Previous Next Sort by votes. Graphics only work with the standard VGA driver. Friday, May 29, Started by Jortemanss Today at 5: Solitaire is painfully slow. Dec 21, 1, 0 19, I need graphic driver of intel dgbf motherboard for windows 7. Uploader: Mauzahn Date Added: 24 September 2013 File Size: 52.8 Mb Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X Downloads: 65086 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required ] SumTingW0ng 2 minutes ago. Intel Desktop Board DGBF - motherboard - ATX - Socket - iG Series Specs & Prices - CNET Will Microsoft be organising the production of a driver for the Intel - perhaps by commissioning Intel to produce drivers for "older" chipsets.? Spedoinky 7 minutes ago. Office Office Exchange Server. If the drivers install and you are able to reboot successfully you should then be able to play solitaire...